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Sydney’s Marrickville Council Case Study

Sydney’s Marrickville Council implements workflow automation with EzeScan!
About Sydney’s Marrickville Council
Sydney’s Marrickville Council
Marrickville Council is a local government area located in the inner west region of Sydney, Australia with a population of approximately 80,000 people.
The council has implemented a new workflow automation platform to deal with invoice processing and manual forms.

A new workflow automation platform is being implemented by Sydney’s Marrickville Council using EzeScan data capture software and Technology One workflows. Heres how it works...
A new workflow automation platform is being implemented by Sydney’s Marrickville Council using EzeScan data capture software and Technology One workflows. Heres how it works...
Sydney’s Marrickville Council had two issues that required a solution.
Immediate requirement to automate processing of invoices to improve workflow measures, approval processes, timely payment and record keeping.
Requirement to improve manual form submission and approval processes that generate so much paperwork.
EzeScan drives dedicated production scanners to batch scan incoming hard copy invoices and also polls dedicated email accounts and imports attached invoices for processing.
EzeScan captures invoice metadata automatically using the DISCOVERY module, validates and registers invoice data.
Data captured is automatically uploaded as a record into HP TRIM and prepares invoice data for importing into TechnologyOne Financials.
Use of data based logic built into the scanning process enables linking together of common data out of TRIM and the finance system, and has increased efficiency by reducing the need for data entry and improved accuracy.
“We did go to the market and look at other systems, but what we found is that with this solution, for lower upfront cost and a small contribution to training, we are able to utilise the tool set to go forth and multiply across all different processes. Whereas with other vendor solutions you had to call their consultants in to apply it to other processes.” Carlos Loureiro, Manager of Information Systems